The theater is a hearth of spirituality. Thatʼs what our great ancestor Mahmudhoja Behbudi once said. There is a whole world of meaning in this short sentence. Indeed, the theater has always been considered a living medium, giving life lessons. A special place in the education of human spirituality is occupied by the theater.
Employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region attended a performance based on the satirical comedy "Stubborn" Berdakh, staged at the Ferghana Regional Musical and Drama Theater by the Shymkent State Academic Drama Theater.
The talented team, who came from the Republic of Kazakhstan, in their production ridiculed such human vices as hypocrisy, excessive boasting, exaggeration of the work done.
It is worth noting that this satirical comedy has left an indelible mark on the hearts of employees.