
9 November 2024

Comprehensive measures are being implemented to comprehensively develop and strengthen the knowledge of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region.

Excursions and various events are organized in order to make use of the employeesʼ free time, strengthen their knowledge of history, get acquainted with unique monuments of architecture and handicrafts.
For example, a few days ago, an excursion to the regional Pottery Center was organized for employees of the departmentof "Protection" of Rishtan district and their children.
Here, experts gave an idea of the pottery art, its history, the tools used by potters in the manufacture of products and various objects, as well as their processing and decoration. Then the staff and their children got acquainted with the processes of making various pottery products. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the patterns applied to ceramic dishes by skilled craftsmen aroused great interest among everyone watching.
An excursion to this center has become an important factor in enriching the ideas of our future followers about honorary mastery.