
12 October 2023

In the Bektemir district, a visitor to a drug treatment clinic was detained, who tried to smuggle a narcotic drug to a patient

In a narcological clinic located in the Bektemir district, the staff of the rapid response team of the department "Security" detained a visitor, who was found and seized a package with a narcotic drug.
30-year-old S. T. came to the clinic to visit his friend, who was placed on compulsory treatment for drug addiction. At the entrance, the visitor was examined by security personnel. The man behaved suspiciously: he refused to explain what kind of package, wrapped with green tape, he was carrying in a package. The security staff reported the suspicious visitor to the rapid response group of the district department "Protection" of the National Guard. During the inspection in the presence of witnesses, the package was opened, it contained a brown substance with a specific odor. Detained S. T. delivered to the territorial department of internal Affairs for taking legal measures.