Employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the Republic of Karakalpakstan organized sports competitions "Fun starts" in the framework of school № 32 in Nukus city.
Thirty-four years have passed since the Uzbek language, one of the important means of realizing our national identity, was given the status of the state language.
In order to hold the holiday at a high level, an intellectual game "Bilimlar bellashuvi" was organized at the Jizzakh regional training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Directorate of "Protection" of Fergana region organized a spiritual and educational event under the slogan "Language is the pride of the nation" with the participation of pupils of school № 25 of Fergana city.
On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of granting the Uzbek language the status of the state language, various festive events, conferences and meetings are organized throughout our country.
In today's rapidly changing time, systematic work is underway to increase the intellectual potential of the population, including law enforcement officers, and expand their worldview. In particular, the chess club of the Youth Center of Navoi city recently hosted a chess competition among the military personnel of the National Guard Department for Navoi region and employees of the Directorate of "Protection".
The National Guard Department for Namangan region, together with the Directorate of "Protection", organized a trip to the Equestrian School, the Youth Center of Uzbekistan, as well as the State Museum of History and Culture of the region for pupils of a specialized class at the National Guard School № 2 in Pap district.