A "round table" was organized in the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region in order to maintain official discipline, suppress crimes among employees and improve their legal literacy. The event was attended by the republican working group, representatives of the regional committee on Religious Affairs, employees of the Ferghana Military Prosecutorʼs Office and cooperating organizations.
A round table was organized with the participation of the personnel of the Directorate of "Protection" of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, aimed at strengthening official discipline, suppressing crimes and violations of the rule of law, and observing a healthy lifestyle by employees.
Recently, a trip to the Museum of History and Culture, as well as the Vatanparvarlar Park, was organized for employees of the department of "Protection" of Termez city, Surkhandarya region, and their children.
Blood and blood products provide effective assistance to victims of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes. For example, blood donation plays an important role for women who have suffered blood loss during pregnancy and childbirth, children suffering from severe anemia due to malaria and malnutrition, low hemoglobin, as well as patients with weakened immune systems who have undergone complex medical and surgical procedures.
In order to maintain official discipline and increase the readiness of employees for service, a round table was organized with the participation of personnel of a Separate battalion for the protection of diplomatic missions of foreign states.
In order to ensure strict compliance by the personnel of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard with the rules of the road, further improve the culture of driving on the roads, as well as inform about changes and additions to the rules of the road, a "round table" was organized with the participation of responsible employees of the Traffic Safety Service of the Department of Public Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In order to organize meaningful leisure for the younger generation, to increase their interest in protecting and preserving the environment, Directorate of "Protection" of Navoi region recently organized a trip for pupils of family orphanages to the modern agro–industrial complex "Bukhara Varnet" - the only one of its kind in our republic.
In order to strengthen feelings of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the Motherland, to organize meaningful leisure for listeners of the Regional Training Center of the Republic of Karakalpakstan of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, spiritual and educational events are regularly held.