To date, employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region are carrying out a number of systematic works in order to strengthen the feelings of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the motherland in the hearts of young people, as well as increase interest in the military profession.
In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the head of our state dated August 9, 2022 "On measures to further improve the activities of blood service institutions and the development of the gratuitous donor movement among the population of the republic", charity events "I am a donor" are organized locally. Another similar action took place in the department of "Protection" of Samarkand city.
Employees of the Directorates of "Protection" of the National Guard organized information and propaganda events among citizens and entrepreneurs.
On the eve of May 9, the Day of Remembrance and Honors, as well as on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of victory in World War II, on the initiative of the Jizzakh Regional Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, together with the regional Directorate of "Protection", a trip to the Sharaf Rashidov House Museum in Jizzakh city was organized. As part of the trip, a "Meeting of generations" was also organized under the slogan "Courage is the pride of the nation" with the participation of veterans, National Guard emplooyes and youth.
As part of the crime prevention Day, a preventive meeting was organized with the participation of officials of The Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent city, aimed at maintaining official discipline and legality among the personnel and students of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as ensuring their constant combat readiness.
The Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Bukhara region, together with the military Prosecutorʼs Office, organized a meeting dedicated to maintaining official discipline and ensuring the rule of law, suppressing corruption and other similar cases that negatively affect the development of the system.
As you know, in the modern rapidly developing era, the need to strengthen psychological knowledge has increased significantly. For this purpose, a round table and psychological trainings on the topic "Psychological aspects of interpersonal relations" were organized with the participation of employees of the department of "Protection" of Urgench district, Khorezm region.
It is known that as a result of various diseases in the body, circulatory disorders and blood composition, blood depletion, thrombosis are observed. One of the most effective ways to avoid such negative situations is to become a donor. Therefore, in our country, attention is paid to the widespread promotion of mass donation, strengthening the health of young people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among them.