Keeping houses, streets and yards, workplaces clean and tidy is one of the long-standing values of the Uzbek people.
20 teams tested their strength and fought for victory In 7 weight categories. It is worth noting that absolutely every participant demonstrated incredible zeal for victory. However, the strongest ones made it to the finals.
The Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Jizzakh region, together with the Department of Preschool and School Education, organizes round tables on security issues in educational institutions.
In order to strengthen the feelings of patriotism and devotion to duty in the hearts of employees, to educate comprehensively and harmoniously developed personalities capable of taking responsibility for the future of our country and the fate of the people, a "Meeting of three generations" was held with the participation of personnel and students of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard.
An event was held in the Department of "Protection" of the National Guard of Urgench city, during which the speakers noted that the acquisition of state independence of the republic was a great, unforgettable event in the thousand-year history of our country, the value and importance of which will only increase over time.
On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, drawing contests on the theme "In the radiance of colors - the beauty of my Homeland" were organized among the children of employees of the Directorates of "Protection" of Ferghana and Samarkand regions.
The other day, regular graduation and swearing-in ceremonies were held at the Regional Training Centers of the National Guard by employees of the Main Directorate of "Protection" and its regional units who successfully completed initial training and advanced training courses.
Today, systematic work is being carried out throughout our republic on early crime prevention with the help of modern and state-of-the-art security equipment. In order to familiarize citizens with such tools, employees of the Main Directorates of "Protection" and it's regional departments, together with other partner organizations, held events aimed at informing citizens about the benefits of the "Protection" service.
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