In order to further strengthen the skills and knowledge of the personnel and students of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan on how to quickly assess the situation and act in case of fires and emergencies, as well as avoid cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, a demonstration lesson was organized jointly with the responsible employees of the Mmanagement on extreme situations of Tashkent city.
Special attention is paid to the prevention of crimes and offenses in the mahalla "Madadkor", in Sergeli district of the capital. For example, a striking example of this is the awareness-raising events with the participation of residents of the mahalla, organized by employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city.
In the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Syrdarya region, a fair of food, sweets and various fruits was organized for employees.
As part of the operational and preventive measures "Shock Forty Days", employees of the National Guard and the Department of Internal Affairs serve day and night, thereby identifying and suppressing crimes and violations of the rule of law, as well as ensuring public order and road safety.
An excursion to the Museum of Commemoration of the Victims of Repression has been organized for students of a specialized class in the military-patriotic direction at the National Guard
In order to further improve the morale of employees, strengthen feelings of patriotism, as well as organize meaningful leisure activities, the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city organized a trip to the Uzbek State Drama Theater named after Abror Hidoyatov, located in the capital.
In order to ensure the implementation of the joint resolution on improving the effectiveness of measures aimed at suppressing crimes and violations of the rule of law, employees of the Main Directorate of "Protection" and its regional divisions, together with those responsible for the Department of Internal Affairs, organize regular preventive measures "Safe City" and "Safe Night" in mahallas of districts and cities of the republic.
There's only nothing left until the New Year. Naturally, everyone thinks about where to buy treats for the festive table at discounted prices.