An open competition of dog handlers-specialists of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the service all-around has started at the Cynological Center of the Public Security Service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Samarkand region.
In order to prevent crimes early, including among the younger generation, as well as to inform young people about the consequences of violations of the rule of law, officials of the Directorate of "Protection" recently organized a "round table" with the participation of high school pupils of secondary educational school № 45, located in Ferghana city.
In order to strengthen the sense of military patriotism in the hearts of the younger generation, comprehensive support and education in the spirit of respect for national values, as well as the exchange of experience in providing quality education to listeners of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard, an open day was organized, which was attended by undergraduates of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and pupils of the Abdullah Kadiri Creative School.
An on-site reception was organized aimed at providing social protection, studying and solving the problems of employees of the National Guard Department for Khorezm region and the Directorate of "Protection", as well as their families.
Teaching is one of the noble and honorable professions in the world. That is why special attention is paid to teachers and mentors in our country. On the occasion of International Womenʼs Day, employees of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard and its regional units gave a festive mood and congratulated teachers of secondary schools.
On the occasion of International Womenʼs Day, the head of the National Guard Department for Surkhandarya region, Lieutenant Colonel R.Zhabborov and the head of the Directorate of "Protection", Colonel A.Khozhamurotov, visited family orphanages
Everyone knows that great thinkers, poets and scientists have expressed many heartfelt words about the representatives of the beautiful half, as well as that they are the owners of incomparable grace and refinement, a symbol of goodness and nobility.
Today, in connection with March 8 – International Womenʼs Day, a festive event was held at the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard.