A visiting public reception for military personnel and employees, their families, retired veterans and other citizens took place at the Childrenʼs Music and Art School № 17 of the Shavat district of Khorezm region.
The National Guard Department for Samarkand region and the Directorate of "Protection" make a worthy contribution to educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the motherland. In particular, the creation of military-patriotic classes "Yosh gvardiyachi" in secondary schools is an important factor in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed and devoted younger generation.
Within the framework of the event, those responsible informed the personnel of the Directorate of "Protection" about the large-scale reforms being implemented in the judicial and legal sphere, as well as the work carried out in our country to prevent crime and violations of law and order.
The staff of the National Guard is carrying out systematic work to further increase the interest of young people in sports and organize meaningful leisure activities. In particular, the regional stage of the mini-football competition for the Cup of the head of the National Guard Department for Navoi region among secondary school students took place recently.
In the Directorate of "Protection" of Khorezm region was organized a "round table" on the topic "Important conditions for ensuring family stability" with the participation of military personnel and employees of the National Guard, as well as their families.
At the initiative of the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region, together with Davlatabad district "New Uzbekistan – Youth Education" information and Library center , a round table was organized on the topic "What rights do you have?" with the participation of young people.
In order to develop the desire for a healthy lifestyle among young people, educate them in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national traditions and values, cultural, educational and sports events were organized recently on the initiative of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Jizzakh region.
In order to further improve the legal knowledge of employees and maintain official discipline, an event was held on the theme "Law above all, punishment is inevitable" with the participation of personnel of the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region.