June 1 – International Childrenʼs Day is the most joyful holiday for children all over the world. Of course, a child is an integral part of this world, because with their smiles they awaken interest in life and joy in the hearts of people.
The Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region, together with the Sports Department, organizes a number of events aimed at making the summer holidays of pupils useful.
In order to develop a culture of reading among the personnel, especially a passion for fiction, a trip to the modern library "Amiriy", located in Kokand city, was organized recently for employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region.
As part of the work to maintain official discipline and legality among the personnel, create an atmosphere of intolerance towards cases of offenses, prevent the occurrence of various unpleasant situations and accidents, as well as within the framework of the Crime Prevention Day, a preventive event with the participation of employees was organized in the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region.
The Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Syrdarya region, together with the Gulistan Military Prosecutorʼs Office, organized a "round table" to ensure social and legal protection of employees, increase their legal knowledge and prevent possible violations of discipline and crime.
Today, systematic work is underway to organize meaningful leisure and spend employeesʼ free time with benefit, further strengthen their knowledge about the past and present of our country.
Recently, with the participation of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region and their families, a round table was held on the topic "Family is a holy fortress. Gratitude and patience are its foundation."
The regional training centers of the National Guard today are an important base for the formation of a personnel reserve with high intellectual potential. Here, according to the established plan, the qualifications of military personnel and law enforcement officers are being improved.